How to handle a web designer

when he does give you a price for building your website say you can get it cheaper even if he offers to do it for twetny pounds say you can get it for five pounds. he might start going on about standards proffesionalism and stuff but don't be fooled treat a web designer as a profesional and he will soon he will be sniffing your crotch (or worse your husbands/wifes crotch). oh and if he mentions ROI, tell him that he should take regular breaks away from his mouse and keyboard. if you can't get it cheaper you may have to pay but you might get lucky he might do it for three pounds if he is hungry or needs a new iPod.
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Wär´ ja eigentlich ganz luschtig wenn ich nicht alles so oder ähnlich selbst schon erlebt hätte... ;)

» via werbeblogger

 Donnerstag, 14. Juli 2005, 01:08, von psycko | |comment