Design Clichés

The Binary Code:

Ah the binary code. What a short life it’s had as a graphic symbol! Why, only a few years ago it had to be explained to people, now … a graphic cliché! Check those royalty free images of “digital” things carefully. You open the hi res and What’s that? The whole thing is covered in 010101010 … Kewl.
Could be used for: ummm …. er …. ????
The Bubbleheads:
I’m certain someone famous is to blame for this. Under the excuse of “universality,” people who can’t draw represent humans with round balls for heads, floating above the body. Kill the Bubbleheads! Kill them all!
...und viele, viele weitere Design Clichés gibt`s hier.

» wieder via supatyp

 Freitag, 24. Juni 2005, 13:40, von psycko | |comment