Mittwoch, 18. Januar 2006
Vintage Video Game Ads

155 Oldskool Video Game-Ads - an ein paar davon kann ich mich sogar noch erinnern. Vergleicht das mal mit den heutigen Screenshots, bei denen man kaum noch zwischen Realität und Spiel unterscheiden kann. Beispiel: Projekt Gotham Racing 3

 Von psycko um 15:12h |  0 Kommentare |  comment
 Gute Seiten schlechte Seiten


Model vs. Photographer

The Model Vs. Photographer series was created during a period of modest desperation. I had nobody available who was willing to model, but I wanted to keep moving ahead with cranking out images. While sitting around pondering this, I was struck by the idea that it would be hilarious if I would mimic the poses of models I had previously shot.

Ob Terry Donovan wirklich ein Eye-Candy für`s weibliche Geschlecht ist lasse ich mal dahingestellt, aber zumindest hat er anscheinend Humor.

» gefunden bei Daily Ivy

 Von psycko um 14:00h |  0 Kommentare |  comment
 Gute Seiten schlechte Seiten


Dienstag, 17. Januar 2006
V for Vendetta // High Quality Pics

Bei Cinema Strikes Back gibt`s zwei neue High Quality Screens aus "V for Vendetta" - der Film, auf den ich mich am meisten dieses Jahr freue. Erste Review-Schnippsel hören sich auf jeden Fall hervorragend an:

I saw “V for Vendetta” back in December and it’s easy to see why so many are predicting this film will be the most controversial and talked about film of 2006. If this film was Mike Tyson, it bit off my ear and knocked me down several times … and all the while telling a modern Shakespearean revolutionary tale.

 Von psycko um 16:34h |  0 Kommentare |  comment


Herr der Ringe: Die zwei Wachtürme

Viele weitere Strips gibt`s bei Gegen den Strich

 Von psycko um 12:54h |  2 Kommentare comment


Montag, 16. Januar 2006
RIAA: Recording Industries Are Archaic

Wieder mal ein Mashup-Sampler mit zum Teil recht obskuren Mixes:

» gefunden bei nicorola

 Von psycko um 19:22h |  0 Kommentare |  comment


Wenn Zocken zu Arbeit wird...

...passend zum Thema: When Playing an MMORPG Becomes a Job

You play World of Warcraft, night after night, going on quest after quest, killing monster after monster and then it happens. You finally reach the pinnacle of power ... level 60! Finally! Your days of endless grinding and running the level treadmill are over! Or so you thought ... oh no, once you get to level 60 your work really begins!

 Von psycko um 17:48h |  0 Kommentare |  comment



In dem aktuellen "The Escapist" Online-Mag geht`s diesmal um das Thema Spielesucht. Besonders lesenwert für alle Hardcore-Zocker out there (zu denen ich mich (leider?) auch zählen darf) sind die Artikel "Despite all our games" und "One Fateful Semester".

Despite all our games, we're still just rats in a cage, mashing levers and taking pellets or mashing the space bar and gaining levels. On its own, this isn't particularly harmful, but some grow to enjoy the pleasure surge of accomplishment more than they enjoy anything else. Studies have shown, if every press of the lever gives the rat a jolt of pleasure, he'll keep mashing the lever until he's completely exhausted. Some gamers get caught in a Skinner box of their own design, and keep leaping on the lever until their only friends have guild tags after their name and the whole house smells funny.

 Von psycko um 16:54h |  0 Kommentare |  comment


Freitag, 13. Januar 2006
The Movie Title Screens Page

Über 3700 Movie Title Screenshots sind schon recht beachtlich...

Doing this has given me a great appreciation for title designs and the effect they can sometimes have on a movie. And since I had all these images, I thought why not share them?

 Von psycko um 16:09h |  0 Kommentare |  comment


Donnerstag, 12. Januar 2006
Xbox 360 Kaufbericht

Einen wirklich sehr schön recherchierten XBox 360-Kaufbericht gibt es bei Something Awful zu lesen:

The Xbox 360 comes in two flavors. There is the core system, which comes with the console itself and a letter that says, "FUCK YOU". We opted for the premium bundle which comes with a wireless controller, a remote control, an Ethernet cable, all the cables needed to hook the system up, and the system itself, sometimes.

If there is a cat inside instead of an Xbox don't worry. This is a known issue. Simply call 1-800-4-MY-XBOX and Microsoft will replace your system at no cost to you. We had to go through this three times before we got a working unit.

 Von psycko um 18:46h |  0 Kommentare |  comment


Seize the Day

Daily Movie Image bei Cinema Strikes Back:

Gott, ich liebe den Film :)

 Von psycko um 15:55h |  0 Kommentare |  comment


Fröhliche Weihnachten..

...ein guats Neues, [weitere Phrasen bitte hier einfügen] etc. pp.
Wir (das königliche wir) entschuldigen uns für die wenigen Posts in letzter Zeit und werden versuchen wieder wie gewohnt weiterzumachen - in der Arbeit bloggt sich`s einfach besser ;)

 Von psycko um 12:20h |  3 Kommentare comment
 Dies und Das - der taegliche Wahnsinn