Freitag, 27. Januar 2006
Role Playing at Fatherhood

So it’s breakfast time, and then it’s off to the great outdoors. You must pack a toddler bag (in game terms a SACK) with a series of pre-selected items of various use (in game terms an INVENTORY) such as a spoon, fork, collection of toys, bottles, cheerios, etc. You must take special care to include items that help shield you from the worst of the toddler fits (in game terms a SHIELD) such as a BLANKET. You must also plan the day - where are you going to go? What are you going to see? The worst possible thing you can do is stay in any confined area for longer than it holds interest… What you need is a QUEST. Sometimes quests are single-item oriented (ie “Go get a new light bulb for the front porch”) and sometimes they are multi-faceted (“go to the grocery store and secure everything you need for the week”) and occasionally they are epic (“get the toddler on a plane, and fly to the grandparents house for a vacation”).
» weiterlesen im Got Game Blog

 Von psycko um 13:23h |  0 Kommentare |  comment


Donnerstag, 26. Januar 2006
The Simpsomaker

Nettes Flash-Tool - besser hab ich mich leider nicht hinbekommen:

 Von psycko um 16:32h |  0 Kommentare |  comment


Dienstag, 24. Januar 2006
Iraqi Invasion: A Text Misadventure

They are two several chairs arranged around the center of the room, along with two couches. Under one couch you find Clinton's shoes.

You are unable to fill Clinton's shoes.

It is a large, oak desk, with several drawers.

In one drawer you find a bag of pretzels.

I don't think the pretzel would agree with you.

You are not able to do that, yet.
» mehr bei defective yeti

 Von psycko um 13:42h |  0 Kommentare |  comment


Freitag, 20. Januar 2006
Mehrheit glaubt nicht an den Aufschwung

Einer Forsa-Umfrage im Auftrag des Stern zufolge glauben 54 Prozent der Deutschen nicht an den Aufschwung. Etwa die Hälfte davon hält Aufschwung generell für eine Illusion bzw. propagandistische Volksverarsche. Die andere Hälfte gibt an, jedenfalls noch keinen gesehen zu haben, und fordert erst einmal Beweise für seine Existenz. Von den 44 Prozent, die an den Aufschwung glauben, stellen ihn sich zwei Drittel als alten Mann mit Rauschebart vor und ein Drittel wiederum eher als abstraktes Prinzip, so wie Liebe oder Kernspaltung.
» die Titanic mal wieder :)

 Von psycko um 14:33h |  0 Kommentare |  comment


Dienstag, 17. Januar 2006
Herr der Ringe: Die zwei Wachtürme

Viele weitere Strips gibt`s bei Gegen den Strich

 Von psycko um 12:54h |  2 Kommentare comment


Donnerstag, 12. Januar 2006
Xbox 360 Kaufbericht

Einen wirklich sehr schön recherchierten XBox 360-Kaufbericht gibt es bei Something Awful zu lesen:

The Xbox 360 comes in two flavors. There is the core system, which comes with the console itself and a letter that says, "FUCK YOU". We opted for the premium bundle which comes with a wireless controller, a remote control, an Ethernet cable, all the cables needed to hook the system up, and the system itself, sometimes.

If there is a cat inside instead of an Xbox don't worry. This is a known issue. Simply call 1-800-4-MY-XBOX and Microsoft will replace your system at no cost to you. We had to go through this three times before we got a working unit.

 Von psycko um 18:46h |  0 Kommentare |  comment


Freitag, 16. Dezember 2005
Halo Zero // Freeware Arcade-Action

Halo Zero is a 2D fan game, based on a story before Halo 1, with the Reach battle..

 Von psycko um 15:17h |  0 Kommentare |  comment


Freitag, 9. Dezember 2005
Kong vs. New York

Ist das geil oder ist das geil?? Oldskool to the bone ;)

» gefunden bei Peter Noster

 Von psycko um 15:41h |  0 Kommentare |  comment


Seltsame Warn-Piktogramme bei jap. DS-Handhelds

If you see this, you have awoken the Genie of the DS!
He's probably pissed off that we made him manufacture these in China for 10 cents an hour. Run away!

The DS's power cord is too short to be used as effective nunchucks. Instead, Nintendo recommends attaching the DS the the handle of a katana.

Playing the DS while driving is distracting.
You may find yourself doing odd things like driving on the wrong side of the car.

» mehr davon bei Cheap Ass Gamer...

 Von psycko um 14:41h |  0 Kommentare |  comment


Montag, 5. Dezember 2005
Kong Spoiler

Na toll - jetzt hat Penny Arcade das Ende des neuen Kong-Films verraten. Dabei hab ich mich schon so darauf gefreut... ;)

 Von psycko um 17:00h |  0 Kommentare |  comment