Es wird mal wieder Zeit für eine Umfrage - welches Shirt-Design für bastardshirts gefällt Euch besser?
Nr.1 oder Nr.2? Und muss es "orkanig" oder "orkanisch" heissen? Mir gefällt ja orkanig besser, aber meine Schwester meint das klingt so, als ob ich "Aua im Kopf hätte".
Here's a list of each and every one of Bart's chalkboard gags we see at the beginning of each episode. They're even put into sets from the seasons they came from. Can you believe there's been 11 seasons of the Simpsons?!
Kleiner Auszug:
# I will not trade pants with others
# I am not a 32 year old woman
# I am not a dentist
# I will not bring sheep to class
# A burp is not an answer
# Organ transplants are best left to the professionals
# The Pledge of Allegiance does not end with Hail Satan
# There was no Roman god named "Farticus"
# My butt does not deserve a website
# "The President did it" is not an excuse